What If…2024

As soon as the words, What If, came to mind those same lyrics from Creed earwormed their way into my life. I only know, “What if…what if….what if, what if, what if I….” so this is not a fun loop to replay over and over again!

Anyway, I had written an earlier post regarding my thoughts on welcoming the new year. It was my typical evaluation of where I am health-wise, and a plan of attack for what needs to change this year. Or at least this January. I wrapped it up with some tips on how to align your goals with your values, something I encouraged my former clients to do. I sent it out and posted it to FB. By January 2nd I had re-read it, cringed, and removed the post.

Why is it that every new year there’s just this constant barragement of ‘self-help?” And why does this self-help advice, tips, tricks, plans, and programs seem to all revolve around food, exercise, and our physical health? As if NOTHING else matters. Like our physical body is the only place to focus.

On the flip side, the idea that nothing HAS TO change seems so preposterous. So impossible. I can’t even imagine a January beginning without being bombarded by ads for New Year’s specials on gym memberships and eating plans.

With all of the reminders to reevaluate your life and make new health and fitness goals comes pressure. Pressure to reflect, assess, and then find ways to “improve” yourself. And I’m not suggesting there is anything inherently wrong with that. It’s just….

What if

What if I am content with where I am? With WHO I am?

What if I am so busy living that I don’t need to make time to psychoanalyze every facet of my life?

What if I focus my attention on other areas like my spiritual journey, friendships, servanthood?

What if I just allow January 1st to roll on in as if nothing special has happened at all?

Gasp! Is that even possible? Does that make me prideful to think I don’t need to respond to the changing of the calendar in any way other than writing ’24 instead of ’23? Am I so narcissistic to think I am FINE just as I am, where I am, and how I am? Do I really believe I don’t need a ten step plan to healthier eating, weight loss, or fitness??

The audacity, I know!

This year I think I am going to do just that! NOT respond!

I am taking the pressure off. I’m not saying this lump of coal is a perfect diamond. Yet. But for right now, I am good. Yes, GOOD!

Could I be better? Of course. Who doesn’t have an area or two or ten they could perhaps work on. But why must that be the theme Every. Single. January?? (This is really a rhetorical question. I of course know the answer. I was a Health Coach and a Personal Trainer for years….I was probably part of the problem!)

Maybe, instead, I’ll work on myself in March. Or June. Or October. Or in 2025.

And maybe I’ll do that on a random Thursday. Not even on a Monday. Especially NOT the FIRST Monday!

I think I will be rebellious. I think I will be counterculture. I think I will allow myself to be the me I am right now for as long as I want to!

So, Happy 2024 everyone!

Enjoy life, being content right where you’re at, if you want to!

Celebrate the wonderful YOU you are!

And if January is YOUR time to set intentions, reflect, create a word for the new year, make changes and all that, and you do so without guilt, or pressure, or stress, then GO FOR IT!! I say encouragingly, “Good for YOU!!” I am here cheering you on.

But if you feel like I do, then feel free to make January just another month without any added pressure; consider it no more and no less special than any other month of the year. Slide into it quietly but gratefully because after all, we are still here, alive and thriving!

God Bless and Happy Continuation of Life!

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