MY Truth vs THE Truth

There’s is a huge difference between claiming something to be your own personal truth, which is a big trend right now, and THE truth. Every day I hear the phrase, “This is my truth.” Or someone asks someone else to “share their truth.” The reality is, everyone can’t have their own personal truth. We can have our own personal experiences. We can have our own personal beliefs and opinions. But truth is truth. It doesn’t waver. It doesn’t have variables or degrees. I can say my truth is that there is no gravity, but when I jump out the window of a ten story building, the truth will set me straight in a hurry.

But I get it. Who determines what is TRUE in less obvious situations?

That’s quite difficult to answer if you’re examining the question through a purely secular lens. In this post-modern world that we find ourselves in, truth is subjective. Truth is whatever something means to us personally, as individuals. Even if that is the opposite of what someone else claims to be true. Heck, personal truth seems to be acceptable and valid even in the face of solid proof that the opposite IS true. “If I believe it to be true, therefore it is,” seems to be a pervasive mantra these days.

We see it everywhere. From gender debates, to politics, to science and medicine, and every other area of life. “What’s true for you isn’t necessarily what’s true for me,” has become dogma at this point.

I don’t hold any higher education degrees. I have never take even one psychology course, so maybe you think I don’t have the right or the brains to even get into this discussion. And that’s fine. Feel free to stop reading if you wish. No hard feelings.

But as a human being who has lived more than half a century and possesses common sense, and more importantly, as someone who is a follower of Christ who calls Himself “The Way, The Truth, and The Life,” I have every confidence that I can and should speak to this in my blog. We don’t have to agree, but we can listen to each other. And I have listened, and listened, and listened as new ideology is constantly pushed on society, and me personally, in nearly every television show, movie, and book these days. It’s being taught in our schools from preschool through college. It’s being taught during “training,” in our workplaces. It is permeating our government.

Here’s the facts on a few of these hot-button topics. And don’t get me wrong, no little blog post can cover any of this in any sort of depth, but you know what? Society is talking this stuff to death and getting nowhere because we are making everything overly complicated. It’s not really all that convoluted.

Let me start by sharing what got my knickers in a knot about all of this in the first place. At least, the LATEST thing, because there’s just been so much. I read this book, “Killers of a Certain Age” which seemed like it would be a fun ride through the life and “retirement” of 4 female assassins, femme-fatales, now in their 60’s. As someone not far from their age, I was curious about why the author chose this particular age group, and why it was important to thread the concept that women of this age group are invisible in society, something they used to their advantage as they continued on with taking out their “marks.”

It was a fun romp. Not very unique of a story, nor an intellectually challenging one, but it was an enjoyable and easy read. However, I did notice all the little wokisms of our day winding throughout it. In particular, the disdain of men. She seemed to write about killing these men with a specific sort of revelry simply because it meant it was women who were doing the killing. Women were in the alpha position and the result of that was death to a man, an allegory of death to The Man, aka The Patriarchy, more likely.

But what really just put the cherry on top was the final “acknowledgement,” and I will quote it for you here, “Every person who identifies as female and has rage. I feel you, sister. This one’s for you.”

That one sentence is why this book isn’t worth passing on and instead will go into the trash bin never to see the light of day.

Not only must we have to get into the whole “what is a woman?” conversation, but apparently all women and men who believe they are women, are supposed to be enraged because of what? Oh, the patriarchy? The way society values youth? I am a woman, so tell me why am I supposed to be enraged? Please, dear woke author, tell me….

I am just sick and tired of man bashing, first of all. Societies have been built and ruled by men forever, not simply because they wanted to oppress women. “Men just want to swing their penises around and beat women to death with them….” Please, just stop the reductionism.

First of all, God made men first and women out of them. In addition to that truth, women are physically weaker than men, on average. Men have bigger, denser bones and more muscle mass, again, on average. There are some women who are bigger and stronger than some men, but the strongest woman will ALWAYS be weaker than the strongest man. It’s biology and it has to do with testosterone during puberty. That’s the truth.

Women, you know XX chromosome carrying humans, are uniquely gifted with the ability (unless something goes awry) to bear children. Men, XY chromosome carrying humans, can not. So from the dawn of time, in order for the human species to survive, we needed the stronger gender, MEN, to hunt, kill, fight, build, and PROTECT, while the women bore children, built homes, cultivated food, and community. Two very vital parts making the whole.

While men and women should be treated with equal value as human beings, and they should be given equal opportunities (as should every person regardless of ethnicity, sexuality, etc.) there are differences between male and female. Period.

I have NO disdain for men as a whole. I understand enough about the complexities of creating kingdoms and countries, building societies, about war, about workforce, and about the need for some people to toil outside the home and for some within. I have no problem with women going to work, going into the military, running a company, etc. Women can become anything a man can become and should be paid equally for it. And if a man wants to stay home and raise the children, so be it. I don’t care about any of that.

But I am sick and tired of rabid feminist ideology that pits women against men. That shouts, “death to men.” Where the only way for a woman to succeed is by crushing the men around her. Women who scream that they have been oppressed now wish to become the oppressors. Talk about being a hypocrite!

No one should ever put someone else down in order to rise. But if you are a man, especially a white man, you are now no longer of value, according to the current culture. They have been collectively treated as if they have done NOTHING but oppress, rape, plunder, and pillage.

Guess what? Every kingdom expands through power and violence. Name one that hasn’t. It’s horrible, but true. No matter what continent you are from, one group enslaved, subjugated or eradicated another group in order to establish dominance. It’s not a “white” thing. It’s not necessarily a “man” thing. It’s a survival thing.

Warriors aside, it was predominantly MEN who also were the first scientists, mathematicians, philosophers, artists, architects, builders, hunters, physicians, educators, etc. Women were busy making sure the human race continued on. An obviously critically important role in society!

Men build. Men tear down. Men die in battle, and die by stepping aside because “women and children first.” It is because of men that we have so much innovation, advancement, and protection. This is not to say women have not been integral in these areas of life. Of course they have. It is because of them as well! But if we allowed our women to always have done what men do, what do you think could have happened? What if we had stripped men of their role as protector? Or what if men acted upon the supposed “equality” women claim they want. Well let’s play a little game:

Let’s just imagine ancient armies of male soldiers fighting against equally numbered female armies, brute strength only, no guns, or bombs, or machinery….

Or imagine a sinking ship, and all the men taking the lifeboats, or a burning building where the men just run out saving themselves, allowing all the women and children to die?

What if men were not willing to risk everything, even their very lives? Where do you think our families, and our societies would be then? (And yes, I know I am oversimplifying, because I am trying to make a point!)

But, back to that one sentence at the end of the book. As a female I am also really tired of this whole “what do you identify as?” mumbo-jumbo. Look, you can Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head your parts all you want. Go for it. But your DNA will never change. Every fiber of your being is coded as either a male or a female human being (with a tiny percentage of exception due to genetic anomaly.) I can’t be a horse or a tree any more than I can be a man. Even if I suppress my estrogen and up my testosterone, have my genitalia surgically altered, when I die and decay to just bones, when those bones are dug up, guess what? The forensic scientist will know I was a female, a woman, plain and simple. That’s the truth.

I believe EVERYONE should be treated with dignity and respect. EVERYONE is innately valuable and worthy of love. But NO ONE should be allowed or encouraged to rise by pushing others down. And that goes both ways. Whites should not be racist against blacks (or Hispanics, or Asians, or Indigenous people,) and vise versa. Men should not disrespect or oppress women, and vise versa. I also know that men can’t become women, and women can’t become men. That is the truth.

How do I know this? How do I have the audacity to claim I know the truth?

Because I know Jesus, and He said He is the way, the TRUTH, and the Life. He is God incarnate. He is the Author and creator of life. He said if you want to know the Father, then look at Me. At how I lived. And then live like that. If you want to understand God, then look at the order of His creation, from the smallest particles to the largest. God is a God of order and of truth, and anything that are not those two things are not of Him.

We must STOP the pandering to those who scream lies, but we must do this with love and compassion because they are lost. They are confused. And it’s not their fault. The enemy of humanity is truly at the root of all of it.

The enemy has been going after mankind, seemingly women in particular, and the family (which is the core of society) since the Garden of Eden. He sows seeds of doubt, chaos, confusion, division, and death. He is the one who whispers, “You don’t have to do what God says. You don’t need to believe Him. You can go your own way, make whatever rules you want for yourself. You can be like God, You can even be your own God, declaring your own truth! And don’t worry, there are no consequences for any of that ” That wide path, my friend, the one that so many are following thinking they are being liberated, will lead to the destruction of your life, your family, and your very soul. It will cause society to crumble into total depravity, and then fall to ruin.

The truth is:

God made human beings, male and female. And He declared that this was very good.

God created only women with the very unique and special ability to bear children.

God treated women and men with equal love and dignity and Jesus laid down His life willingly for every human being.

Jesus taught that in Him we are all equal. Men, women, Jew, Gentile, slave, and free.

Satan is the father of lies, and lies breed chaos and confusion, which leads to death and destruction.

Jesus taught that the Truth is something to be sought and valued, and that the Truth will set you free!

My prayer is that everyone reading this blog will seek the Truth. There is only One truth, and that is found in Jesus Christ, Yeshua, the Messiah. And if you already know Him as your Lord and your Savior, then please speak the Truth in LOVE with those around you. Don’t cower. Don’t be afraid. When we don’t speak the truth we are allowing our fellow humans to walk right off the cliff to their own destruction. Love others enough to be honest and be bold about what is right and what is true. Point them to Christ, first by example by living out a life of love for God and love for others. Actions before words, and words without condemnation.

*As for the other main theme of this book, the concept that older women are invisible to society, let me share my thoughts on that. First of all, I am a woman nearly of that age and if I feel invisible then I need to ask myself why.

Is it because according to society an aging woman is less beautiful? And if a woman is not as beautiful then she is less valuable, desirable, vital, or capable of being seen?

I am not afraid of that because the Bible teaches NOT to place our value in how we look in the first place because looks fade. Try as you might through plastic surgery and other means to stop the aging process, but at 70 you will never look like you did at 20. Not to mention it’s our heart that makes us beautiful or not anyway. Not our outward appearance.

But seriously, who cares if my skin is sagging, and my bones are creaking, and my hair is graying, and I no longer look like I did as a young woman? If that is what makes me feel invisible then I’ve placed my worth in a really dumb place.

And if I feel invisible because I have been relegated to the side-lines due to my lack of youthfulness, then that’s on me. As we age we need to pivot and find new ways to be vital. I’m not surrendering to some rocking chair life. In my late 40’s and early 50’s I started two businesses, took up Krav Maga training for a while (the real deal with ex-snipers and military personnel,) took some Muay Thai classes where I was for sure the oldest person in the room, and I could deadlift my body weight. I’ve hobby farmed, tried my hand at horseback riding, raised and dispatched animals, grew gardens and added an orchard on. I am vital to my husband, my kids, and my community around me. I am vital to God. And if I am given one more day or until 120, I will find a way to NOT become invisible. As long as there is air in my lungs I can speak, I can pray, I can LOVE.

Society does NOT define what truth is. Society does not define where our value comes from. Only God can do those things.

His truth is the one constant in life! And that’s the TRUTH!

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